Thursday 12 March 2009

Thank goodness for that!!!

Am already selling my stock, I can't believe it!
Although I need to add a Why Use Fleece to my website, I know its fab but need to spread the word!

Really pleased although there is few to share it with round here. I will be the first to admit I am not perfect I have made mistakes, but when I am trying my best please give me a thumbs up once in a while.

Will be publishing teaser photos of my Easter soaker/ t shirt combi tomorrow and it will be going onto, over the weekend.

Had an interesting few days, Shakespeare festival on Tuesday was enlightening but then parents evening tonight overran for us by 90 mins, while Morgan whinged she was bored, Freyja slept on my back, Ayns wandered and Phil, well was Phil, we had the usual she is a fab student A+ GCSE hopeful. Like picking her GCSE's is not hard enough, we may be dropping German and swapping to French (although it may be different come morn).

On a down note my maternity pay has stopped, am fearing our financial future going from two incomes to one.
I know lots of families are much worse off than us but wonder how much more cutting back has to be done.
I really love sewing. making, tinkering but need to get bebesnuggles out there and make it work for me.

Till next time America x

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